Who are Responsible for Financial Management Within an Organization?

Financial management concerns about the management of funds in the most efficient and effective system. It is the process of controlling, organise, monitor and plan for financial resources to achieve organisational objectives and firm goal. Financial manager commonly does monitor financial detail, prepare financial statements, analyse market trends and make a financial decision. Financial managers summarise and forecast the organisation’s financial status, oversee the accounting, budget, and audit.

The financial management is one of the most necessary significant functions of any organisation, including NGOs. They measure, process, and communicate with the financial information about economic entities in corporations and businesses. To ensure proper use of money with proficient and tactical finance strategies with changing time and circumstances.

The importance of finance involves disclosure, evaluation, and management of economic activity, successful and efficient operation in market and firms. There is a difference between managerial finance and corporate finance. Dealing with the monetary decisions that business enterprises make and maximising shareholders associated with investment banking is the primary goal of corporate finance. Managerial finance may look at changes in asset balances and financial figures measured against multiple targets like internal goals and competitor figures. Financial management decisions include capital budgeting. It identifies investment opportunities that are worth more to the organization. The financial structure that refers to a mixture of long-term debt and equity.

The financial managers are responsible for advising senior managers on profit-maximizing ideas and perform data analysis. They are responsible for the financial health of an organization, produce financial reports, direct investment activities, and develop strategies for long-term financial goals of their organization plan. It prepares financial statements and monitors financial details, business activity reports, and budgeting. Analyse market trends to find opportunities and help in financial decisions. In particular business, the financial manager is changing in response to technological advances minimize the time process to produce financial reports.


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